Mardin Artuklu University


2016 Güz/Autumn
MA/PhD. Mimari Proje 1/ Graduate Architecture Project 1
Architecture Faculty – Mardin Artuklu University, Mardin
Campus in Camps Mardin Studio

Tutors: Pelin Tan & Alessandro Petti (Campus in Camps)
Associate Tutors: Ömer Faruk Günenç, Yelta Köm
26.09.2016 – 30.12.2016 (critic reviews 2.week of January)

Salı / Tuesday, 14:00 – 17:00

Camp – Autonomous Infrastructure

This studio is collaboration between MAU Architecture Faculty, Mardin graduate program and Campus in Camps (Deisheh Camp, West Bank). This project is part of Campus in Camp Satellite, Mardin.

A camp is often described as a spatialization of exception. The contemporary experience of “exception” as a form is a multiple constellation that exists in tension between territorial facts, objects, and subjectivities. This graduate studio will focus on the ecologies of refugee camps and the spatial conditions camps in / around Mardin region. The main premises of a refugee camp in this studio is that a camp is not a tabula rasa or “non-place”. In contrast it is based and grow or extent on active network and infrastructure. A camp is a form of “decay”; referring to thinker Negarestani’s description on decay as building process both negative and positive. The contradiction of the negative and positive sides of the process of decay, the subtraction of forms, comprises the potentials – the infinite latitudes of forms. Refugee camps are part of this process of building infrastructures that deterritorializes the refugee as an arche-fossil of the posthuman era. Through the problematization of public space Petti and Hilal (DAAR) claim that the camp has a potentiality as a “anti-city”. As a biopolitical space, camps cannot be conceptualized through a dichotomy of inside / outside, or segregation between the outside world. A camp is beyond such a dualistic structure. Beyond Western oriented public space discussion and nation-state citizenship participation, both Petti and Hilal focus on the term and practice called Al-Masha. The word is equivalent to “common” and the practice has an Ottoman legacy where production and the cultivation of the land is referred to as such. Referring to this concept they introduce a similar meaning and practice of the “commons”; architectural and critical spatial practice in occupied land in West Bank based on the question of Al-Masha, a potentiality of a new formation of citizen, space beyond public/private dualism and decolonizing practice of re-using functions of settlement.

Besides conceptual discussions and cases from other territories; this studio will focus on the experiences of Campus in Camps – Dheisheh of Al-Masha as a methodology and will research and engage with the current camps around Mardin region. The studio will host guest speakers and presentations.

Sub-themes: Infrastructure, commons/Al-masha, autonomy, decay, anthropocene, border methodology, transversal methods, urbanization, solidarity.


Michel Agier, 2002 Between War and City: Towards an Urban Anthropology of Refugee Camps, Ethnography 3

Manuel Herz, 2008 Refugee Camps—or—Ideal Cities in Dust and Dirt, Urban Transformation, Ruby Press, Berlin

Alessandro Petti, Sandi Hilal, and Eyal Weizman, 2014 Architecture After Revolution, Sternberg Press, Berlin.

Alessandro Petti, Architecture of Exile,

Pelin Tan 2015 Transversal Materialism, 2000+ Urgencies of Architectural Theory, J.Graham, GSAPP Books, Columbia University, New York.

Pelin Tan 2016 Exception as a Form of Decay, Missions, from the Unmanned Architecture and Security Series. Ethel Baraona, Marina Otero, Malkit Shoshan (eds.) dpr-barcelona.

Pelin Tan, Ömer Faruk Günenç, Alessandro Petti, Kamp/Mülteci: Çatışma Mekanlarında Sömürgesizleştirme Mimarlığı, Dosya, Arredamento, 03.2015, Istanbul.

Ömer Faruk Günenç, Kentililik ve Eve Dönüş: Batı Şeria Mülteci Kampları, Kamp/Mülteci dosyası, Arredamento, 03.2015

Ömer Faruk Günenç, 2015 Zoraki Pastorallik mi, Mültecilik mi?: Ogaden ve Jijiga Periferisi, Arredamento, 01.2013, Istanbul.

Eyal Weizman, 2016 Oyuk Topraklar, Açılım Yayınları, Istanbul (Turkish Hollow Land).

MAU – BAP scientific research project: Forensik Mimarlık – Güneydoğu Mülteci Kamplarının Sosya Mekansal Analizi, Pelin Tan, Ömer Faruk Günenç, 2015 – 2017