The Municipality: Experiments in urbanity
Contributor: Naba’ Al-Assi
Refugees living in Doha view the camp as their ‘real’ place, thus, as closer to their homelands and more connected to their right of return than the city itself. Those who moved to Doha from different camps live the city as a transitional space; they do not consider it anything more than a place of waiting for another phase of life – when the right of return is realized. Doha is where they have moved to in search of privacy and better living conditions than those that can be found in the camp.
08 | The municipality (PDF)The initiatives included in these booklets are the result of a collective effort made by the Campus in Camps participants in dialogue with community members, associations and collaborators. They have been inspired through dialogue with Sandi Hilal, Munir Fasheh, Alessandro Petti and activated with Tamara Abu Laban, BraveNewAlps, Ayman Khalifah, Matteo Guidi, Sara Pellegrini, Giuliana Racco, Diego Segatto, Dena Qaddumi.
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Campus in Camps participant Naba’ Al-Assi presented his research and findings at the municipality of Doha. The mayor expressed his profound interest in the analysis, suggestions and proposals contained within Naba’s document and called for the establishment of a committee composed of members of the community and youth groups.
Naba’: “What was important for us (Qussay, Aysar and I) was that people read the Municipality booklet thoroughly and gave their point of view and feedback. Some were interested and glad to encounter this first documentation of the relationship between the camp and Doha city, while others contested some points, especially those who have never lived in a camp. These latter felt that the connection between the camp and the city is not as strong as that described in the booklet.”