C.K. Raju holds an honors degree in physics, a masters in mathematics, and a PhD from the Indian Statistical Institute. He helped build India’s first supercomputer Param, and was an editor of the Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research. He has written books on physics (Time: Towards a Consistent Theory, Kluwer 1994), history and philosophy of mathematics (Cultural Foundations of Mathematics, Pearson 2007), and on time at the interface of science, religion and ethics (The Eleven Pictures of Time, Sage 2003). He argues that theology has penetrated hard science (mathematics, physics) through time beliefs adapted to ineqitable politcs. He advocates that science should be de-theologised in the interests of equity and harmony.

The History of Philosophy of Science: Is Science Western in Origin?
Monday, April 29th, 2:00pm
Campus in Camps Al Feneiq Center, Deheishe Refugee Camp

As we have begun to problematize the origins of political, philosophical and social thought, can we also dismantle common beliefs about the origins of maths and science? How has the history of the development of maths and science been falsified by Europe? How did the interaction between African, Indian, Persian and Arab-Islamic civilizations create another approach to the maths and science?

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