What is like being a guide in your camp? What is like being a visitor in a refugee camp, coming from another camp?
Camps of Knowledge aims to rise awareness among its participants, starting from direct experiences inside other refugee camps looking at the common and different aspects of everyday life and environmental settings, built by UNRWA Improvement Department and the inhabitants from the exodus in 1948 to nowadays, both as a source of proposals and possibilities for future cultural and urban transformations. Conceived as a pilot stage around field trips, in collaboration with the Geographical Information Systems cycle, the activities are then focused to rally emergent imageries in order to figure out new visions and specific projects, according to each participants urgencies, contents from other Campus in Camps’ cycles and interactions among the participants.
Such a framework resulted in Back to the Future, a seminar of imagination and freedom where the participants presented their imageries and perspective about the future in the camps, through different ideas and different forms of tale.
Concept and tutoring: Diego Segatto
Biographical note
Diego is architect and creative director at OQ#_OpenQuadra studio and coordinator of Re:Habitat collective, both based in Bologna (Italy). Multidisciplinarity is the main focus of his practice: if the applications are multiple and with different problematics, planning is the dimension between thinking and action able to mix them together, highlighting the connections and the real core of the research: the importance of the language and the holistic approach / www.diegosegatto.com
Lecture on Multidisciplinarity and Public Space
February 29, 2012 at 10.00 – Campus in Camps Al Feneiq Center, Dheisheh Refugee Camp
The project called 100% Mercato Cantiere InErbe (The Market at 100%, a rising Workshop) narrates the multidisciplinar process activated by Re:Habitat group toward the regeneration of the biggest local district market of Bologna (Italy), actually suffering from the effects of social, cultural and political shifts of the city and from the wider economical crisis.